Sunday, March 16, 2014

6 Months

Well the past few weeks have been a little hectic to say the least.  We have had a snake problem that resulted in the students going home early, taking them to a beach festival for the day and not showing up in fear of the snake.  The snake problem was "solved" by spraying chemicals outside which seeped into through the doorway and into our lungs.  We left the school in a hurry; hopefully it was fast enough. 
Last week we had low numbers because of another snake sighting over the weekend.  I was supposed to be observed by my principal on Sunday, the day I signed up for, however she had other plans and so I was pushed back to another day.  I am not too sure why a sign up sheet was sent around if it wasn’t going to be followed, but whatever.  My co-teacher was observed on Monday and she did an excellent job as always.  One of the EMTs that was in the room during her lesson commented to me that she didn’t need any translation because she was so animated she was able to understand what she was saying to the kids.  I told her that she is almost always like that and I actually learn a lot from her because of it. 
My observation finally came on Thursday.  I didn’t prepare anything special for this lesson, I have always been a believer that when someone comes to observe you, they observe how you normally are, not the person who puts on a show for everyone.  I had my “small teacher” as we call them (student that acts as the teacher during the lessons) show picture cards of things that start with the letter B.  He did an excellent job of this.  He apparently thought that I did a good job as well because he took the sticker my co-teacher had given him during Arabic and put it on my arm to tell me I did a good job.  I just melted when he did this, so sweet.  The kids were actually really well behaved when all 5 people were in the room watching me.   The other teachers were going around asking them questions about what letter was on their paper and what each picture was on their paper and they all answered correctly!  Proud teacher moment! 
This weekend, Rebecca and I took on the challenge of having a Harry Potter marathon.  We thought we could finish it in one day (at least I did) boy was that ever false!  We started Friday at about 9 and finished for the night at about 11:30.  We resumed our marathon Saturday morning at about 9 I think and didn’t finish until 7:30.  I am good on watching Harry Potter for a long time. 

It is only 2 weeks until Spring Break and it cannot get here fast enough!  I will be going to London for 8 days with Casey.  I am really excited to see what this great place is all about!  We have quite the list of things to see and I am certain we will find some other gems that aren’t on our list.  
Side note, on March 13, I celebrated my 6 month anniversary in Abu Dhabi.  I cannot believe I have been here for that long.  I remember the day I received the illusive email.  I woke up to missed calls and texts from my sister telling me that my itinerary had come and I was supposed to leave the next morning!  I was shaking as I went to my parents computer and opened the email, responded to it and repeatedly calling my parents to tell them as they were on their way home from the gym.  They of course didn't answer their phone (why have one if you never answer it!?!?!).   Anyway, that day was filled with text message notifications, eyebrow appointment, saying goodbye to Justine, my sister and Moe :(.  I can't tell you how many times I repacked my suitcase and put it on the scale to weigh it.  How can they expect  you to move across the world with two suitcases weighing 70lbs each?!?!  I didn't sleep that night as I had to be up at 3AM to go to the airport where I said my tearful goodbyes to my parents as they flew to CA and I flew to Abu Dhabi.  Two days later I arrived in Abu Dhabi, stinky, sweaty and exhausted.  I was so exhausted I scared myself when I saw my reflection in the mirror of my hotel room.  The only things that made me feel comfortable was knowing that when I woke up in the morning, I would be greeted by familiar faces I had been conversing with over the summer on Facebook.  The next day when I woke up (actually that same day just in the afternoon), I went to Lindsey's hotel room, she opened the door and greeted me with the BIGGEST hug!  I will never forget that, a hug can do so many things for a person and that one hug made me feel safe, comforted, not alone, and welcome.  Every time I see Lindsey, she greets me with the same hug, it's one thing I will always be grateful for!  I cannot imagine doing this without the love and support of the people I have met here who have instantly become my family and the love and support of the people back home.  Here's to another 1.5 years!  
Enjoy the pictures!

Beach Festival

Beach Festival

Beach Festival, yes that's the Sea in the background

Moe came when I called him!

Thursday shopping trip with my staff and Rebecca!

The Oreo Truffles have become famous here!

Biggest slide I've seen!

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