Wednesday, September 25, 2013

It's HUMP Day!

Walking into breakfast this morning, I became aware of the harsh reality that my time in this hotel with all the friends I have made is coming to and end very soon.  As most of the teachers in this hotel have already put their first week of teaching in the books, the few that are headed to the Western Region are left to fend for themselves during the day until they return with their stories.  I had breakfast with Lindsey and we headed back to our rooms.  I started to watch Friends on my computer because I cannot stand watching news on repeat.  I ended up falling asleep (I should never come back to my room and lay down, it is just a recipe for disaster).  When I awoke, Lindsey came by and we watched some British version of an MTV show.  During the show they flashed the symbol for Target.  I then realized I had a wonderful dream about Target being in Abu Dhabi.  It is so strange to me to think about the things I miss already.  I deeply miss Target, Mexican food, and being able to always find something to watch on TV (here that is not the case, my choices are pretty much news, music videos on repeat, or Disney channel).  I walked to LuLu's to grab some dinner with the girls and we returned to my room.  We had great conversations about guys, what our types were (they are all very different which is interesting!) and several other topics.  
Video chatting has become a saving grace for me.  I video chat with at least one person everyday, I have the timing down as to what they may be doing.  For example, I called Kara this evening (morning there) when I knew she would be on her way to work, when the screen popped up, I had joined her in the elevator on her way to her car!  I rode with her to school, sitting on her dashboard listening to her talk about school as if I were there with her.  My view wasn't the greatest, I could only see her steering wheel and her visor, but nonetheless it was great to talk with her.  I was also able to talk with the Payne family who have become my second family and I miss them terribly.  Dylan now knows how to video chat me, and I am sure I will be receiving random calls from him which I am actually excited about!  He screamed when he saw me on his mom's phone (good thing I was prepared for that and turned my headphones down!)!  I was also able to video chat with my parents, I was reprimanded for putting the picture of my mom on my blog when I was video chatting and told to take it down, well that's not going to happen, it's real life!  It is so entertaining talking with my parents, they don't fully understand how to use the iPad they just purchased, so most of the time I see half of one of them and the ceiling.  
I joined Casey and Rebecca in the jacuzzi this evening which was extremely relaxing.  We also relaxed in the relaxation room which is this beautifully lit room with about 6 beds in it.  Tomorrow will mark the last full day in this hotel for me, it is very bittersweet.  I knew this would happen eventually, but in the 12 days I have been here, I feel as though I have made friendships for a lifetime.  We have already talked about visiting each others' states (Casey is excited that Dave lives in Seattle!) and traveling on brakes together.  I can't wait to see what else this crazy journey brings my way!
Enjoy the pics!

Chatting with my second family!

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