Monday was the day from hell. NONE of my students wanted to listen, they were fighting with each other, pushing, shoving, talking as loud as they could during my lessons, getting up and running around the classroom, fighting over who was second in line(I have a line leader, never thought second in line was something to fight about, apparently it is if you are 4). I couldn't believe what I witnessed. After school (keep in mind this was supposed to be our short day which means we are able to leave at 12:45), we were asked to stay to attend the shortest first aid and CPR training I have ever witnessed, good thing I am already certified and nothing has changed since the last certification I received. We were told that in this country if we come upon someone who is not our family that we cannot help them, we were told (and I am not joking when I type this) to ignore the person and walk away. I couldn't believe I heard the nurse at school say that and I'm pretty sure the other teachers felt the same way. The manikin the nurse was using kept loosing "it's" jacket exposing it's chest which embarrassed our nurse and made us giggle!
Tuesday was a day I was not looking forward to at all. On Monday night I popped in The Ron Clark Story to get some inspiration on how to teach difficult children and it brought my mood up and prepared me for Tuesday. Tuesday wasn't any ordinary day, I was alone with my kids all day because my co-teacher was at another KG school in MZ observing what they do. I came prepared, I raided my cabinets for any sweets I didn't want and showed my kids at the very beginning of the day that if they were well behaved they would get a treat from me. Boy did that work, they weren't angels by any means, but they were pretty well behaved. One thing that made me laugh was one of my little girls asking me if she could use the bathroom, I told her no (they were supposed to be cleaning up so the nurse could talk to them about healthy eating and give me a break). She proceeded to ask the nurse if she could go and I looked at my student and said no you may not go to the bathroom, you need to help clean up. The nurse looked at me and asked me why I wouldn't let her go to the bathroom and I informed her she didn't need to go, she just didn't want to help clean up. The nurse looked at me as if I could read the child's mind, it made me laugh!
Wednesday, the kids were back in rare form, I had one little boy who had sat out from circle time every day this week as well as last week too because he wants to talk and sing and make noises on purpose while I talk. Well I had enough and when my co-teacher came back in the room, I explained to her that every day this week and last week he has had this poor behavior, well, she told me we would fill out a behavior log for him and call his parents. The look on his face was PRICELESS! hehe, I know I shouldn't giggle at this little boy getting in trouble with his parents, but let me tell you the stuff he does while I'm teaching is enough to get him suspended in the states. After school we had yet another meeting that didn't start on time and ended late. In this meeting we were pretty much told that without our principal and vice principal, we wouldn't know what to do and that a leader tells you what to do. I almost vomited, a leader is someone who leads by example, encourages and supports their staff, but I guess that isn't the case at our school according to our principal.
This morning, I woke up, checked my phone and found a message from a coworker who normally takes the bus to school in the morning, she said she didn't even get on the bus this morning because the fog was soo bad and that she would like to ride with us to school when we go. Well, I got up and looked out my window and couldn't even see the courtyard! I text the other girls and we made a decision to not attempt to go until 9. Rebecca didn't even attempt it was so bad! 9 came and went and the fog stayed! We called it a day and stayed home, I guess our principal was upset that 4 of her EMTs weren't at school, but I'm sorry I am not going to risk my life to get to work. Anyway, it sounds like I complained a lot about this week, but it was tough, I know next week with me better and I'm looking forward to it.
Ah yes, I forgot to mention the fact that we got a new student this week, who doesn't like to stay in the classroom. The first day I tried to get her back in the classroom and she became dead weight. After that, if she wanted to leave, I let her, I can't leave my whole class to chase after one child and there are supposed to be bus moms in the halls for this reason. I know that back home, you can't let a child roam the halls, but let me tell you, here it is different...... Enjoy the pics!
These are the things the kids can choose from for breakfast (cheese croissant, popcorn, juice, zatar croissant) |
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This is what they are supposed to do when they are finished with a center, rarely happens! |
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Having fun in the play area |
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Community Helpers is our theme this week, so they get to dress up! |
It was so good to see you!!! Glad you finally got a camel kiss, lol. What a great adventure you are on. I am so jealous.
ReplyDeleteI have to thank you for your blog. I just got hired by ADEC for next year and was having some second thoughts. It's good to hear, in detail, what it's like over there. Do any of your friends teach middle school English? I've just started reading it today, but your adventures sound awesome! Thanks for being so candid!